European Countries Flags And Names - Europe | Flag of Countries

European Flags:

What does a Flag represent?  It can be a piece of cloth which also can have a symbol which could have a meaning, can symbolize something, or is just a decoration.  It serves as an identity of the entity that it represents and is usually displayed to signal the entity or what it stands for.  It can have a very rudimentary use especially in conditions where it is difficult to communicate and may need some visual process by which to let the people know about the entity.  Did you know that the study of flags is called vexillology?  It is a Latin word meaning banner or flag.

The most common and important flags in the world are of course the national flags.  National flags are respected and have very patriotic signage on it. Disrespect to a National Flag can land you in jail or worse in some countries.  European flags are known worldwide.  Especially, if you look at the flag of the United Kingdom, called the Union Jack, you would see that it is recognized worldwide.  It being an all conquering nation at some point, it is not surprising that the Union Jack has so much recognition around the world.  It combines different crosses in one field.  Many former members of the empire still carry part of this flag in their national flags.  Some other European nations whose flags are recognized world wide are the German, French, Italian.

Not all flags carry pleasant memories associated with it.  There would be a certain section of the world who would see the flags from the Europeans countries listed above with a negative frame of mind due to what these flags could have symbolised at some point earlier.  A common feature in some of the the communist countries would be lots of red in their flags.

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