How Many Continents In The World - 7 Continents Of The World

How Many World Continents:

World continents
What are continents?  They form the big large masses of the world.  They are defined mostly by convention rather than any strict criterion.  Geologically, continental crust also includes areas which are under water. First distinction between continents were made by ancient Greek mariners.  They gave the name Europe and Asia to the lands on both sides of the waterway of the Aegean Sea.  There are seven continents as identified by the world now. They include Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.

Asia has 50 countries and has an area of 43,820,000 square kilometres.  It has the biggest population amongst continents.  In fact, by numbers, 60 percent of the world’s population lives here.  The Mount Everest at 8,848 m is its highest point, in fact the highest point of earth. Africa has 54 countries and has an area of 30,370,000 square kilometres.  Considered the hottest continent, it houses the biggest desert in the world, the Sahara desert.  This actually takes up 25% of Africa.  Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak here.  North America has 23 countries as part of it with a total area of 24,490,000 square kilometres.  It has the largest economy in the world, the USA as part of it.  The Denali is the highest point in North America situated in the USA.  South America with 12 countries has the lowest number of countries if you don’t consider Antarctica.  It’s area comes to 17,840,000 square kilometres.  The largest forest in the world is found in this continent, the Amazon rainforest.

Next comes Europe with a size of 10,180,000 square kilometres but comprises 51 countries.  Mount Elbrus is its highest point and the Caspian Sea its lowest point.  Australia is the smallest continent with 14 countries forming part of it with a square kilometres area of 9,008,500.  It is the least populated country if you don’t consider Antarctica.  The seventh continent, the coldest, is the Antarctica, which does not have inhabitants except for research stations.  It is covered with ice. ist of countries in the world by continent 

earth continents name the seven continents continent in the world 7 continents in the world the seven continents of the world name the continents of the world total continents l


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