How Many Countries In Europe Continent - List Of European Countries

European Countries:

Europe has a common border with Asia.  Eurasia is the motherland of which the north-western part region is occupied by Europe.   Towards the north Europe has the Arctic Ocean.  Towards the south, Europe has the Mediterranean Sea. You can see the Black Sea towards the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.  Since the continents of Europe and Asia are connected by a land mass, a distinction between the two was difficult to make.  Currently the border is mostly defined by the Caspian Sea, the Ural Mountains, and the Caucasus Mountains.

Europe has 51 independent countries recognized.  Of these, five are called transcontinental countries because they are seen both in Europe and Asia. The countries to be specific are Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.  Armenia and Cyprus also are part of Europe in a political and cultural sense.  The largest of the countries is Russia with its land mass occupying 37% of the country.   The smallest country is also the smallest in the world, the Vatican City.  The conquerors of the world, so to speak, have originated from these countries with France, United Kingdom, Spain all having territories across the world which they still control.

Below is a list of the countries in a Europe starting with the letter ‘S’. San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, , Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.  In fact most countries in Europe start with the letter ‘S’.  This is followed by the letter ‘A’ and letter ‘M’.  It is also an interesting fact that the largest and the smallest countries of the world are part of Europe.  Norway forms the northernmost point country of Europe.  Greece is considered the southernmost if we don’t take into consideration Cyprus.  Portugal is the northernmost European country.  The Euro is the most used currency by the countries of Europe.

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