South America Continent Countries Of Capital

South America Continent Countries Of Capital:

The significance of a capital is a very evident in how they influence the economical and political futures of a country.  Usually all the powers that rest with a ruling entity resides in the capital defined by that entity.  If you consider the political setup of a country and then recognize the capitals of the world, there are two types of capitals.  The political mapping gives you the state capitals and the national capitals.  For states, there may be occasions where the state capital is shared between two states.  There could also be cases where there are two capitals for the nation divided on the principles of governance of its various ruling arms.  There could be other criterion too which determine capitals.  Climatic is one case when the summer and winter capitals come into being because of just that – climatic conditions.  The capitals usually have the centres of power concentrated there which would be legislative, judicial, and administrative in nature.

Studying capitals can give you a wealth of information on the history of a country.  For South America, this is certainly the case for its countries. Let us take a look at a few.  The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires.  It is the largest city of Argentina.  The word means “fair winds.”  The capital is defined as a autonomous district and not part of the Buenos Aires Province.  The buildings here have a Spanish style architecture.  Bolivia has two capitals – La Paz for administrative purposes and Sucre for judicial purposes.

Ecuador has Quito as its capital city.  It holds the position of the highest placed official capital city in the world.  It is on the slopes of an active stratovolcano of the Andes mountain.  Last, but not the least is Brasilia the capital of Brazil – it is a planned city and was inaugurated in 1960.


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