The Most Populated Countries Of The World - World Population

The Most Populated Countries Of The World:

Do you know what the population of the world is?  At last count in 2015, we were at 7,34,94,72,000.  That is indeed a big number.  The sad part is it is not as well distributed as we would have liked it to be.  Most of this population live in Asia.  So it is no wonder that the most populated independent country is China.  The rapid growth happened over the last 66 years in China, which prompted the government to take some drastic steps. For some time there were strict regulations on the number of children you could have and the communist government went rigid on that for quite some time.  This had an effect on the age balance of the country with aged people more than younger.  Some of the sanctions have been therefore lifted by China to encourage a better balance.

There are another 5 more countries from Asia in the top 10 most populated countries of the world.  The interesting fact is that the other continents are represented by only 1 country each.  Thus North America has the USA as a representative, South America has Brazil, Europe has Russia, and Africa has Nigeria.  Of these top 10, Bangladesh has the most density per square kilometre.  Yes, things are getting pretty crowded there.  Far behind, but still with issues is India, and then Japan.

We were talking about the top 10 above, but there are many out of the top 10 who still have a high density per square kilometre.  Those would be Israel, Haiti, Burundi, Netherlands, Rwanda, Belgium, and Taiwan.  Australia has the least population density at 3.1 per sq. km.  This is followed by Canada at 3.6 and finally by Russia at 8.4 – we have only looked at the top 100 countries here.

world population countries by population largest countries most populated country in the world highest which country has the most people world population country wise largest countries by population country wise population which country has the highest population top 10 populated countries population of countries


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