Time Zones Clock of United State -

Time Zones Of USA:

It is fun to find out about time zones.  But first, more on what is understood by a time zone.  A particular time is assigned to a section of the world due to its position such that commercial, legal as well as sociological functions are smooth and not led to confusions due to different time kept. The time zone can be determined by different state borders, geographic areas, climatic area, or just by the longitude of the place.  It does not look like a straight line as would be the case with regard to the longitudinal lines as consideration is given to the functionality of a time zone for a region before it is determined.  Hence you may not see too many time zones traversing a local area.  That would mean that you wake up in one time zone and after a 10 mt drive start working in another time zone. Nevertheless, for some bigger countries, it is essential to have a different time zone. Take for example the USA.  They have 9 standard time zones.  The District of Columbia and the 50 States of the USA are working with 6 of these time zones.

 At one side is the Eastern Time zone at UTC -5:00.  This time zone has the maximum population inhabiting it with23 states partially or fully using it along with the District of Columbia along with Washington.  Because of this factor, many at times, this time is chosen as the official time for the United States.  At the other end is the Pacific time zone at UTC -8:00 for the mainland excluding Alaska.  The Western States come here.

Forty Eight states of USA use DST.  The two exceptions are Arizona and Hawaii.  The three time zones that are not used by the US states are for their insular areas outside of their states.

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